Friday, March 14, 2025

Check your sources

| October 28, 2015 5:11 PM

Linda Hohenstein


I wish to take exception to Bob McClellann’s opinion last week that Republicans are damaging themselves by investigating Planned Parenthood. First of all, Planned Parenthood receives 500 million dollars in taxpayer funding. It’s Congress’ job to investigate how our money is spent. Secondly, there are laws regarding the harvesting and sale of human fetal tissue. Another reason to investigate.

When did our country’s moral consciousness drop to such a low level that ending the life of a viable human fetus, capable of feeling pain should not be of concern to the majority of Americans?

Before lauding the praises of Planned Parenthood, one should research its founder, Margaret Sanger. She was an ardent supporter of eugenics allowing procreation with superior genes. She believed those with weak or impure genes should not be allowed to reproduce. She especially believed the Negro and Southerners fell into this category, along those with mental deficiencies. She was a racist and the Nazis in Germany learned from her writings.

The early Planned Parenthood facilities were located in poor black neighborhoods. Was that because she cared so deeply about their welfare or that she did not want them to reproduce more of their “kind”?

The oft-heard cry is that Republicans are against women’s health care. How ridiculous! There are many women in the Republican Party and they are NOT against their own healthcare. Translated, “women’s healthcare” means unfettered access to abortion at any stage of fetal development. Planned parenthood does not even do mammograms - they are outsourced. Are mammograms not basic to women’s health?

Do some research before joining in the same tired refrain.

Why is it so many liberal-minded folks are against the death penalty for murders, and can’t bear the thought of animal cruelty, but do not value the human life they so adamantly dismiss as a “woman’s choice.” Even a murderer or an innocent animal are put to sleep before they killed so they won’t feel pain. The harvesting of fetal tissue just compounds the barbarism.

In our modern world of scientific and technological advances there are many things we are able to do. We must first question if they are moral and right in order to maintain what remains of our humanity.