Saturday, February 22, 2025

A most interesting year

| September 2, 2015 5:44 PM

I just ran across probably the best comment ever on what is motivating people to support Donald Trump in the primary. It comes from Jim Hightower, National Radio Commentator, writer and public speaker. Here is what he wrote in an article entitled: “The Money Primary.” This is good stuff.

“By using money to shove the vast majority of people out of the democratic process, they’re (Republicans) mocking America’s essential egalitarian ideal that we’re all in this together, destroying their own moral legitimacy. and fueling an explosive fury among alienated voters.”

This makes so much sense in answering the question being posed endlessly and being discussed among the media, the press, the ‘talking heads’ and the candidat4es themselves. And that simple question with this straightforward answer from Hightower is: “Why is Trump, with all his outlandish comments, still gaining in the polls?”

Just think about your own conversations with people, regardless of party affiliation, and the general agreement is that our present political establishment and those we elect to make our laws, are held hostage to big money interests, huge corporate interests, lobbyists that won’t quit, greed, fear and anger.

Well, it looks like this anger component has spilled over into a people’s national movement to protest all this political garbage and advocate for full reform. And “The Donald”, with his vast wealth, is beholden to no one but himself and can’t be bought. He won’t be bought. And he pounds away with his appealing and often strange rhetoric which erxcites an electorate that is totally fed up with things as they are.

Anyway, this is going to be a most interesting year ahead. Much to contemplate. Many surprised to come. But regardless of all this, it is doubtful that the “Trump Style Message” will be silenced among “We The People.”

Bob McClellan

Polson, MT 59860