Saturday, March 01, 2025

CNSC to host annual event

by Contributed Cnsc
| September 16, 2015 3:49 PM

Cancer Network of Sanders County is once again planning a great night of fun and games for our annual fall fundraiser. This year, the plan is for a trip back to the 50s and 60s. There will be live musical entertainment by the Rockin’ Hot Rods with a visit from Flamin’ Betty. Come dance and share in the contests (Hula Hoop, 50s/60s trivial pursuit, and best costume), prize balloons, bucket auction, and a live auction again featuring Mr. Kevin Hill. While you are at the Plains Fairgrounds Pavilion, you will also be able to partake of a wonderful Taco Bar catered by The Butcher’s Nook, and enjoy some wine, beer, soda, or water.

Doors will open at 5:30, dinner served at 6:00 and the live auction begins around 7:00. All of this takes place Thursday, October 1, 2015. Tickets are on sale at D & D Liquor in Thompson Falls and Garden Gift & Flowers in Plains for $25 each. We have lowered the price of a ticket this year in hopes of attracting more people.

All the money raised goes toward the gifts CNSC is able to give to any Sanders County resident currently undergoing treatment for cancer. This organization has been ‘in business’ since 01/01/01 and has distributed over 700 gifts for nearly $300,000 dollars. Our ability to continue this service depends, in large part, to the generosity of the people who attend our events and support us. Many organizations have donated money, time, and products for this event, an effort that means we really don’t have to pay to sponsor this event!

This year, we have busses available that will be leaving from the Trout Creek Senior Center and from the Hot Springs Senior Center. Please call David at 741-2346 to get additional information of departure times or to get on the list. You can also visit either of the Sr. Centers to sign up. Take advantage of another Sanders County service organization who has offered to help us!

In addition, Mosher Transportation of Thompson Falls has offered to load up a bus in Thompson Falls. Please call Karen at 827-4067 for additional information.

If you need any further information about the event, please call Lisa at 360-5527.