Thursday, February 13, 2025

Donation effort met by 'the Grinches'

| December 7, 2016 4:00 AM

Apparently, the Grinch that stole Christmas is not merely a fictional character. He (or several clones like him) now works for the Montana Highway Department.

On Nov. 23, Robert Lyons was out in front of Castle’s Market collecting money in conjunction with Superior Women in Timber to ensure all local children, no matter how income-limited are their families, have a present on Christmas.

Lyons has done this selfless act for five years, standing out in the cold, trying to help bring a little joy to a number of local kids.

To make clear what he’s doing, he had been putting a small sign in the middle of the road. Motorists would stop and donate right there.

But no! This is illegal according to the Grinches at the Highway Department. One allegedly claimed the road is a federal highway and that this was a hazard, a violation, and you can’t put a sign there “unless it’s Saturday because we’re not around on Saturday.”

Subsequently, Lyons checked with local officials, who said “put the sign back in the middle of the road.” And each time the highway men reappeared (one wonders what else they have to do?) demanding “Move the sign!”

Eventually, Lyons put his sign on top of his vehicle and I witnessed motorists swerving out of their proper lane to drop money in his donation bucket.

This is precisely the sort of bureaucratic nonsense that has infuriated people nationwide.

Mr. Lyons, bravo to you!

Montana Highway Department — a hearty bah-humbug and pox to you.

Ed Chaberek, Superior