Thursday, February 13, 2025

Vet Center van visits Plains

by Douglas Wilks Clark Fork Valley
| December 21, 2016 4:00 AM

The Montana Vet Center mobile counseling and outreach van from Missoula was at the Plains Service Center on Monday, Dec. 19.

Alvie G. Benskin is the Readjustment Counseling Technician based in Missoula. He said there are many services provided to military veterans and family members of military service members who died while serving.

The Montana Vet Centers provide the following services: individual counseling, group counseling, bereavement counseling, marital/family counseling, alcohol/drug referral, benefits, referral, job referral, education referral, helps people contact other VA facilities, any service member who had sexual trauma, and helps veterans and their family connect with agencies in their community.

“I encourage all veterans who were in combat or a family dealing with bereavement to drop by with any questions and any concerns,” Benskin said. “I am here to advocate for the veteran and help any way possible within the VA Centers’ authority.”

A veteran or family member can talk with Benskin when the van is in Plains, or visit the office at 910 Brooks St., Missoula. The Missoula Vet Center’s phone number is 406-721-4918 or 1-877-927-8387.

The Vet Center mobile van is scheduled to be in Plains the third Monday of each month at the east end of the Plains Service Center parking lot, unless there is a federal holiday. The van will be in Plains on Wednesday the same week when there is a federal holiday on Monday.

The next time the van is scheduled to be in Plains is Wednesday, Jan. 18.

For more information, call 1-877-927-8387 or visit