Friday, March 14, 2025

Mineral County Justice Court

by Jan. 22-282016
| February 2, 2016 3:29 PM

Mineral Independent


Jan. 28 Jon Arnold Aalders, Negligent endangerment

Jan. 27 Lindy Reann Bass, Driving a motor vehicle while privilege to do so is suspended

Jan. 25 Stephanie Parks Gehring, Fail to carry proof of insurance

Jan. 25 Stephanie Parks Gehring, Driving while privilege to do so suspended

Jan. 28 Stephen Duncan Seese, Driving while privilege suspended

Jan. 28 Stephen Duncan Seese, Speeding

Jan. 28 Stephen Duncan Seese, Fail to carry proof of insurance

Jan. 28 Stephen Duncan Seese,  fail to have D/L in possession

Jan. 28 Tracy Neil Tucker, Improper starting

Deferred Imposition 

Jan. 25 Ricky Lynn Blake, Speeding

Jan. 22 Angelo Carlos Lopez, Speeding

Bond Forfeited

Jan. 26 Timothy James Brady, Speeding

Jan. 22 Jason M. Calhoun Turn vehicle from a direct course or move vehile right or left without giving appropriate signal

Jan. 27 Joshua Ty Eagleman, basic rule, reasonable and prudent

Jan. 25 Marin Florea, 60/70 house rule

Jan. 28 Philemon Mutea Gituma, Basic rule reasonable and prudent

Jan. 22 Ronald Richard Graham Jr, Operating without liability insurance

Jan. 24 Timothy Ray Horvath, Speeding

Jan. 29 Jerry Leon Justus Jr, Misrepresenting size or weight of load

Jan. 23 Timothy Alan Kopp Operating with expired registration

Jan. 24 Colter James Bosak Michael, Speeding

Jan. 27 Georgia May Mulch, Operating with expired registration

Jan. 28 Timothy Allan Pritchett, Basic rule reasonable and prudent

Jan. 25 Billy Joe Rice, Operating without liability insurance

Jan. 22 Jeffrey Chad Skidmore, Speeding

Jan. 22 Robin O. Soto Rosairio, exceed 34K tandem axle weight limit