LEPC formed as result of Bhpal India disaster
The LEPC was formed in 2001 in response to the federal Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) in 1986. Title III of SARA, also known as the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA).
SARA requires each state to promote outreach and development of local preparedness programs to respond to chemical releases. The committee is also responsible to receive reports from communities, organize, analyze and disseminate the information to local governments and the public.
This law was in direct response to the 1984 Bhopal India disaster in which a Union Carbide pesticide plant released 30 tons of highly toxic gases into the surrounding area. Exposing 600,000 people to dangerous chemicals and toxins according to theatlantic.com website. It is considered the world’s worst industrial disaster.
The LEPC committee has grown from just dealing with hazardous waste and the “Right-to-Know” act. They have updated emergency operation plans, create pre-disaster mitigation plans, they do risk assessments, and more. Gupton said that some of the larger issues facing this area are things like derailments, highway accidents and forest fires.
The committee, which is funded by federal grants, as well as state and county funds, is not a response committee, but a planning entity. Gupton said that currently they have very good communication between emergency responders and most of the county is involved with the group. They would like to see an increased involvement with local power companies including Northwestern Energy, Cenex and Missoula Rural Electric Coop.
Currently, the committee consists of members from local fire departments, ambulance services, schools, the sheriff’s department, highway patrol, the hospital, the forest service, search and rescue, Montana Rail Link, commissioners, county planner, health departments and residents. Gupton said that they are always looking for more public involvement and anyone is welcome to attend their monthly meetings. The next meeting is scheduled for February 11 at 4 pm in the commissioners meeting room in Superior.