Friday, March 14, 2025

Department of Transportation construction report

| June 10, 2016 10:22 AM

Montana Department of Transportation construction report includes the following active construction projects. At the project sites, drivers can expect minor delays. Drivers should also watch for equipment, flaggers, and workers along the road, as well as speed reductions.

The Idaho Department of Transportation is working on a project on I90, mile marker 0 to 1, between Exit 69, East Mullan and Lookout Pass (near Mullan). This is long term road construction work, with truck speed limit 45 MPH. Loads up to 12 feet wide will be permitted to travel thru the project during day light hours.

Near Drexel on I90, mile marker 14.5 to 29.6, there is rock scaling activities during daylight hours on Monday through Saturday for several weeks. During scaling activities traffic will be delayed for up to 20 minutes. Expect paving activities, with width restrictions of 12 feet and speed reduced to 55 MPH. Also expect single lane traffic, single lane closures and flaggers. Activity will continue into fall 2016.

Loads over 12 feet wide will only be allowed through the area Monday through Thursday between 7 a.m. and 8 a.m., then piloting will be done with eastbound loads staged at mile post 14.5 at the Haugan weigh scale. Westbound loads will be staged at mile post 29.6, fishing access.

Alberton interchange to 11 miles west is doing crack sealing and pavement resurfacing, speed is reduced to 35-55 mph, with single lane traffic on I-90, mile marker 64 to 75.

There are also installation activities between mile marker 0 to 16.3 on Montana highway 28 in between Plains and Hot Springs. Drivers can expect delays between 10 to 15 minutes and speed reduced to 35 mph with flaggers.