Friday, January 10, 2025

Woman disgusted by decapitated carcass

| November 29, 2016 4:00 AM

Someone on Waverly Place reported seeing a decapitated giant elk or deer hanging from a second-floor balcony and was concerned that it was going to “attract varmints and bears,” and “that it is just plain disgusting,” according to the Whitefish Police Department.

A house-sitter on Granite Drive was concerned when he or she arrived at the residence to reportedly find a door wide open and a light on in the bedroom. She said there were no signs of forced entry and nothing appeared disturbed.

A dog walker on East Second Street told police that a golden retriever in a fenced yard “is very mean,” that when he or she walks by the dog allegedly runs up to a short fence it “could easily jump over” barking, biting and growling. The dog walker was advised that as long as the dog remained on private property law enforcement wouldn’t get involved.

A fight allegedly broke out between “really aggressive” men who were reportedly “throwing punches” at each other in an alley behind a Central Avenue bar.

A man on Depot Street in Whitefish told officers he reportedly found his truck mirror broken. When he went to pick up the mirror on the ground he allegedly found a baseball cap, wallet and cellphone.

Kalispell Police Department received a report about three kids on Treeline Road who were hanging around a vehicle that reportedly may have been stolen and taken out “mud-bogging.” The kids allegedly said they got the vehicle from a used car lot.

Two men were fighting and one of them allegedly pulled a pocket knife on the other at a Seventh Avenue West residence. One of the men also may have stolen a prescription medication and police were cautioned that he had a history of violent tendencies.

A woman on East Idaho Street said her fiance allegedly stole her car.

Someone spotted a cow that reportedly came through an electric fence on U.S. 93 South and couldn’t find its way back while other cows standing inside the fence were “watching the cow that got out.”

A suspicious person was “lurking” around Sixth Avenue East and may have been hiding in bushes and casing a residence.

Someone on Eighth Avenue West said a man reportedly had put sugar in her gas tank and was trying to move her trailer off the property.

A man decided a handicap cart was a great spot for a long nap. He reportedly had been snoozing for more than an hour in a store entryway on First Avenue East North.

A man on North Mission Drive in Kalispell confronted another man that he saw hitting a woman and child. He told the Flathead County Sheriff’s Department the man reportedly had taken the woman’s phone so she couldn’t call police, had chased her, pulled her hair and then left in a truck.

A man on North Hilltop Road in Columbia Falls said a woman allegedly stole his wallet and rolled his arm up in a vehicle window. The bleeding and bruised man told officers she had stolen the vehicle.

A cow decided to take a walk down Colter Trail in Kalispell.

Two men were drinking outside a Third Avenue East North business in Kalispell and were harassing customers and swearing.

A woman on Cramer Creek Road in Somers slapped a man and threw him against a wall when he tried to leave. The woman also allegedly threw ashtrays and other glass objects at him. Both parties had reportedly been drinking.

Someone on Hodgson Road in Whitefish spotted a man allegedly passed out with a beer in between his legs, in a vehicle that was in the middle of an intersection.

A woman on U.S. 2 told Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office that she once again could hear gunshots in the area.

Someone told Fish and Game that another person reportedly poached a buck, took the horns and left the deer lying on Haul Road.

Fish and Game responded to dumped wild game contained in bags on Bobtail Road and collected it for evidence.

Residents on Pinecrest Drive allegedly had hunters behind a gate on their private property.