Monday, February 24, 2025

Legals November 30, 2016

| November 30, 2016 11:50 AM

LEGAL NOTICE Julie R. Sirrs Boone Karlberg P.C. 201 West Main, Suite 300 P.O. Box 9199 Missoula, MT 59807-9199 Telephone: (406) 543-6646 Telefax: (406)549-6804 Attorneys for Wilson Emery Lewis, Personal Representative MONTANA TWENTIETH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT, SANDERS COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE O F LEONORA FLORES LEWIS a/k/a LENORA FLORES LEWIS, Deceased. Dept. No. 1 Probate No. DP-16- 36 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative of the above-named estate. All persons having claims against the said deceased are required to present their claims within four months after the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must either be mailed to Wilson Emery Lewis, the Personal Representative, return receipt requested, c/o Boone Karlberg P.C, P. O. Box 9199, Missoula, Montana 59807-9199, or filed with the Clerk of the above-entitled Court. I declare, under penalty of perjury and under the laws of the state of Montana, that the foregoing is true and correct. DATED this 7th_day of November ,2016,at Plains, Montana. /s/ Wilson Emery Lewis Wilson Emery Lewis BOONE KARLBERG P.C. By: Julie R. Sirrs Julie R. Sirrs, Esq. P.O. Box 9199 Missoula, Montana 59807 Attorneys for Wilson Emery Lewis, Personal Representative Published in the Clark Fork Valley Press on November 16, 23, 30, 2016. MNAXLP