Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Sanders County Justice Court

| April 5, 2017 4:00 AM

Week of March 20-27

Sheldon Robert Lanz, 29, Commission of A Crime in Another State-Fugitive from Justice, Transferred to Another Court.

Shay Donavan Lanz, 29, Commission of A Crime in Another State-Fugitive from Justice, Transferred to Another Court.

Mckendra Daniele Mock, 23, Driving a Motor Vehicle While Privilege to Do So is Suspended Or Revoked, Fined $250, Paid $35 in court costs, 2) Operating Without Liability Insurance in Effect-1st Offense, Fined $250, Paid $25 in court costs.

Robert Allen Harker, 61, Operating Without Liability Insurance in Effect-1st Offense, Fined $250, Paid $35 in court costs, 2) Basic rule Violation-Reasonable and Prudent-1st Offfense, Fined $85.

Christian Clark Wohlfeil, 39, Speeding on Non-Interstate-Exceed Day Limit of 70 MPH, Driving 82 in a 70 mph zone, Fined $70.

Cody Alexander Bolster, 22, Speeding on Non-Interstate-Exceed Day Limit of 70 MPH, Driving 82 in a 70 mph zone, Fined $70.

Michael John Otte, 65, Seatbelt Violation, Fined $20.

Dane Eric McGraw, 40, Violation of Commission Or Department Orders Or Rules, Fined $50, Paid $35 in court costs.

Wesley Ernest Ford, 68, 1) Operating Without Liability Insurance in Effect-1st Offense, Fined $185, Paid $35 in court costs, 2) Possessing an Invalid Drivers License/ ID, Fined $100, Paid $25 in court costs, 3) Operate a Vehicle Which Has Not Been Properly Registered, Fined $50, Paid $25 in court costs.

Joel Lynn Snyder, 34, Speeding –Exceed Restricted/Special Zone Speed Established by Department, Driving 70 in a 55 mph zone, Fined $30, Paid $35 in court costs, Deferred Imposition of Sentence.

Mariea Louise Wallace, 41, Speeding –Exceed Restricted/Special Zone Speed Established by Department, Fined $50, Paid $35 in court costs.

James Carl Webley, 44, Speeding on Non-Interstate-Exceed Day Limit of 70 MPH, Driving 80 in a 70 mph zone, Fined $20.

Charles David Dykes, 59, License, Permit, Or tag Offenses- Alteration, Attachment, Loan, Transfer License, Fined $200, Paid $35 in court costs.

Russell Cole Ballenger, 27, 1) Turning When Unsafe To Do So, Transferred To Another Court, 2) Driving Without A Valid Drivers License, Transferred To Another Court, 3) Driving a Motor Vehicle While Privilege to Do So is Suspended Or Revoked, Transferred To Another Court, 4) Operating Without Liability Insurance in Effect-1st Offense, Transferred To Another Court, 5) Unlawful Possession of Open Alcoholic Beverage Container in Motor Vehicle on Highway, Transferred To Another Court, 6) Seatbelt Violation, Transferred To Another Court, 7) Fail/Have Child Under 6 years old and less than 60 lbs Properly restrained, Transferred To Another Court, 8) Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol-4th or Subsequent Offense, Transferred To Another Court, 9) Criminal Child Endangerment, Transferred To Another Court, 10) Obstructing a Peace officer Or Other Public Servant, Transferred To Another Court.

Erica M. Diederich, 26, Reckless Driving-1st Offense amended to Speeding- 25 MPH Urban District, Night, Fined $185.

Jared Ray Dean, 28, Stop Sign Violation, Fined $50, Paid $35 in court costs.

Anita Barbara Schwalbe, 59, Stop Sign Violation, Fined $50, Paid $35 in court costs.