Thursday, March 13, 2025

Sanders County Sheriff's Log | April 9-15

| April 19, 2017 4:00 AM

April 9

- Vehicle stuck in snow needs assistance.

- Person reports there is a donkey on his porch and its owner cannot be reached. Person reports the poor donkey’s feet are in terrible condition and look like bananas.

- Caller states he was in his yard and a black dog came into his yard and was snarling at him. He reports there have been lots of issues with dogs running around the neighborhood.

- Report that a 79-year-old male has fallen in his yard and his wife is unable to help him.

- Report of a deer with an injured right front leg.

- Vehicle struck a sheep. The sheep was removed from the road.

April 10

- Report that a 72-year-old male fell and injured his knee. He cannot get up on his own.

- Caller states that his neighbor is blocking his secondary easement with debris.

- Caller reports than animals are being neglected.

- Arrest made for probation violation.

April 11

- Report of a 2-year-old wandering around Dixon alone. Child returned to parents.

- Report of two cows on the road. Owners advised.

- Person reports their outside propane tank is missing. She called Energy Partners and they did not remove it.

- Reckless driving reported.

- UHaul truck parked with trailer parked in front of residence, blocking alleyway. Looks suspicious.

- Warrant arrest made.

- Caller advised her brother-in-law is refusing to leave and the situation has become physical. Advised that the male forced himself through the doorway by pushing her out of the way. Male accused her of scratching his arm and is attempting to make the scratch bleed more.

- Caller advised that a male parked on her property in a Bronco. When she asked him to leave, he spun out and destroyed her yard.

- Report that rocks are piled across the roadway on Broad Street near the Whistle Stop.

April 12

- Caller states a vehicle is following her son and flipped him off.

- Report that an elderly male has fallen and cannot get up on his own.

- Caller reports that a registered sex offender was at his residence without his permission.

- Report of cows on the road.

April 13

- Reckless driving reported.

- Report of horses being neglected.

- Caller reports his neighbor’s dog has gotten into his garbage. Has happened eight times in two weeks.

- Report of cows on the road.

- Harlow school bus driver reports that several vehicles have been passing him while his red stopping lights are on.

April 15

- Report of a large open-pit burn close to a propane tank. Caller thinks the fire is too close to the tank.

- Vehicle struck a deer on Hwy 200 near mile marker 46.

- Vehicle struck a deer on main street.

— Responded to 147 calls and made two arrests