Thursday, March 06, 2025

Ronald G. Warren

| April 26, 2017 4:00 AM

1. Born and raised in Montana. Graduated from Plains High School.

2. Professional Land Surveyor. Self employed.

3. Went to college at Montana School of Mines and Technology. Bachelor of Science Geophysical Engineering. Professional Land Surveyor.

4. Funding is always a concern. Plains has a lot of special needs students that require one on one attention which is very expensive. Maintenance is also a big expense; however, we currently have a good maintenance crew that is doing a very good job of scheduling maintenance as the budget allows and avoiding complete failures of equipment prior to replacement. As facilities approach 50 years old most original equipment in the facility has exceeded it’s life expectancy.

We are also facing some pretty relevant staff turnover, so we will be seeing some new faces over the next couple years.

Administratively we are in really good shape.

Our student test scores are high in the state and even better on a national level which reflects well on the staff!