Thursday, March 06, 2025

Plains town meeting addresses variety of issues

by Erin Jusseaume Clark Fork Valley
| August 17, 2017 5:20 PM

Plains officials gathered at the local courthouse on Monday, August 7 for their monthly town meeting.

The agenda saw a range of local issues that were discussed by elected members as well reviewing previous minutes, financial reports, claims and payroll, judge’s report and mayor’s report.

Mayor Greg Eitelberg chaired the meeting that lasted for approximately an hour.

The judge’s report was read for cases moved through courts for June and July. June had 30 cases that collected $1798.00 dollars. July had 55 cases and collected $1065.00 dollars.

Council members spoke briefly at the beginning of the meeting reviewing previous meeting minutes, claims/payroll as well as the financial reports. All were motioned and passed all in favor of the report by elected members.

There were no reports from officers of the Fire Department, Police Department and Public Works Department.

Mayor Eitelberg read his report at the meeting and suggested to the council the possibility of re-evaluating the galvanized pipe replacement program. He continued to emphasize that they send to the Public Works committee to begin thinking of ideas sooner rather than later as to how the town will effectively pay for the project. A small discussion was had, which saw all members agree to look into ways to effectively solve the issues surrounding the project.

A further discussion was had regarding the annexation of properties into the town. It was suggested the topic go to Public Works Committee to review and suggest changes in a verbal conversation to an effective resolution. The end result being on how to gain more properties for the City, council members will review again once they complete this step of the process.

Unfinished business items were discussed at length with regards to the road district that was apart of the Mayor’s report.

Suggested changes to the Burn Permit Process was also proposed for changes and suggestions be sent to the Public Works Committee for input.

In addition to this matter, members discussed the pros and cons to the City adopting Stage 2 Restrictions in following of the County and Thompson Falls City. Elected members were heard going through each particular that is related to the restrictions. They found it would be difficult for the Town to effectively enforce the guidelines set forth for Stage 2 Restrictions.

It was decided that the they would not move to Stage 2 Fire Restrictions officially, however Plains Council Members have asked that residents observe the restriction guidelines. The final outcome came as part of the recommendations of local law enforcement that attended the meeting.

General business discussions were had with all elected officials on upcoming projects such as the KLJ Engineering work on the PER for sewer lagoons. Information was provided to the council, with Mayor Eitelberg explaining that there was a request for the funds, which is currently in process. He also added that as the process continues he will continue to update council members with information pertaining to this project.

The FY 2017-2018 Budget-Discussion was also spoken about between members at the meeting. Mayor Eitelberg informed the council that the full final valuations to hold a meeting were not complete. Once completed a meeting can be called for approval of a final budget. He also mentioned that a special meeting would be required to call due to the impending time line so valuations could be approved in a timely manner.

As more horse drawn vehicles are coming into town, it has forced council members to re-visit the city ordinance to see what the exact law are to which are directly related to this form of transport.

They spoke of the issue of safe parking or both motor and horse vehicles within the city limits. Possible locations to where horses should be parking in town where discussed but no definite location was spoken as they wished to further look into what could be the safest location.

It was asked between council members if a specialized area could be created that would only accommodate horse/buggy parking. Tacked onto the parking, was the discussion as to the responsibility of horse owners to clean and clear manure deposited onto the road. It was found to be within the city ordinance to ticket the owner should they fail to clean up after their animal. It was suggested that an elected member would speak with horse owners directly (that are known to frequently enter the city limits)to inform them of the City ordinance and work with them as to how to comply.

New business items were brought to the table, though there wasn’t seen to be many new items to table during the meeting.

First was the Amended Hospital Addition Minor Sub-Division. Plains Planning Board member Audrey Kolbeck read the minutes from the July 27 meeting of the Planning Board. The project has now been approved for the proposed subdivisions and a recommendation was made that Plains City Council also approve the subdivision.

Resolution to cancel General Election for November 7,2017 was had by council members on canceling the General Election in November.

To date all officials up for re-election are running unopposed. This current outlook presented in turn saw council members vote in favor of cancelling the election.

A member of the public that attented the meeting expressed their thoughts of the dying trees and shrubs around town; with the possibility of said trees and shrubs to be replaced.

Council members suggested that this be an item for the Parks Committee to consider the best outcome. They also mentioned that properties seen to be of a possible fire hazard, that property owners be contacted about the hazard issue related to dead/dying tree and shrubs within their yards.

Due to strict budgets there doesn’t seem to be much in the pot to undertake the full replacement of those dying trees and shrubs on council property. It was mentioned that in past those displayed tress and shrubs were possibly donated to the city. They did agree to look into the issue as to possible low cost outcomes that can aid in the cities first impressions to those travelling through as well as locals.

Future meetings that are on the books coming up are that of the Public Works Committee scheduled for August 17,2017 at 7:00pm in the council room of the Plains Town Hall. Also the Planning Board Committee on the 3rd Tuesday of every month (August 21) at 7pm in the council room of the Plains Town Hall.