Thursday, March 06, 2025

Quilts of Valor

by Erin Jusseaume Clark Fork Valley
| December 7, 2017 4:57 PM


Doug Browning


Calvin Williams


Bob Mayes


Charles Oelschlager


Medric Jones is presented a quilt from the Quilts of Valor program at the Plains VFW on Saturday. (Erin Jusseaume photos/Clark Fork Valley Press)


Ed Foste


Victoria Westhaven

Once again local veterans were presented with a gift for their years of service. The Joint Operations of Mariposa presented a small number of men and women with handmade quilts as part of the Quilts of Valor project.

The presentation took place at the Plains VFW on Saturday night with a spaghetti dinner accompanied by a silent auction.

The dinner was a hit with all those in attendance, as well as the opportunity to grab a piece of local art work which was part of the silent auction.

The art work that was donated to the evening ranged from pencil drawings to oil paintings and even a repurposed pallet that will most certainly be used as a feature piece in one locals home.

Though expected crowd numbers were down, the committee understood with so many events on over the weekend it made it hard for the locals of Sanders County to be able to get to all of them.

With the small crowd that did turn out, they clapped in appreciation as several veterans were presented and wrapped in their own special handmade quilt.

The local organization say they are excited for the coming months as they look to expand service for veterans as well as their families in Sanders County.

With two more Quilts of Valor presentations to take place before the New Year, committee members are excited about growing the awareness of veterans that reside in Sanders County.