Thursday, February 27, 2025

Alberton Food Pantry receives extra help thanks to River Edge employees

by Kathleen Woodford Mineral Independent
| December 20, 2017 4:00 AM

The Alberton Food Pantry received a 1,744-pound surprise last week from the River Edge Steakhouse in Alberton. Employees brought in food and toiletries to help local residents get through the Christmas holiday. The fundraiser was the idea of Janet Meyer and Jenna Hagle.

They created two teams of employees and whichever team collected the most items won a pizza party. If customers brought in a turkey or ham, they would receive a free breakfast. If they donated three items on the wish list created for the pantry they would receive a piece of the restaurant’s homemade huckleberry cheesecake.

In all, 15 turkeys and ham were donated along with the other items on the list. Restaurant owners Ray and Shawn Hagle declared the contest a tie since so much was raised and everyone enjoyed the party.

“We were amazed how many items were donated and how gracious the community was at giving back,” said Meyer.

The Alberton Commun-ity Food Pantry is located in the back of the Frenchtown Rural Fire District’s Station 8 at 502 Fifth Street. They are open from 1-6 p.m. on the second and fourth Wednesday of every month.