Thursday, March 06, 2025

Santa hears wish lists at Ripples

by Erin Jusseaume Clark Fork Valley
| December 20, 2017 7:56 PM


Jersey and Jenalee Vonheeder with Santa.


Plains-Paradise Fire Chief James Russell escorts Santa to Ripples Ice Cream Shop along the main street of Plains. (Erin Jusseaume/Clark Fork Valley Press)


Plains Police Department Officer Ethan Hawke with Santa.


Santa takes an important phone call from one youngster as he couldn’t make it to see him in person (Erin Jusseaume/ Clark Fork Valley Press)

Santa made one last visit to the kids of Plains on Saturday, and it would seem there were some last-minute additions to wish lists.

“Plenty of kids had a lot to ask for and even some were pretty honest with their year gone of being naughty or nice,” said Santa.

Though before the small room at Ripples Ice Cream Shop was packed full of wide-eyed youngsters, Santa made his way up the main street of Plains waving to the town while carolers made sure they knew it really was Santa that was coming to visit.

Some of the top contenders for presents this year were drones and dirt bikes for the boys, as well as Legos.

For the girls, they seemed to want for Barbies as well as notebooks to draw in.

One young visitor had a long list of requests which included an Xbox 360, sword and a go-kart.

Even local Plains Police Department officer Ethan Harvey took the opportunity getting in line with the kids to ask Santa what he would like for Christmas.

“Officer Harvey asked for a new patrol car for work,” said Santa.

Not the only one to ask for a patrol car, one young boy asked for a dirt bike and a police car while he had his chat with Santa.

There were even two little ones that couldn’t make it to Ripples so Santa took a phone call and did some Facetime to make sure that he got all the wishes to add to his list of presents.

One youngster while enjoying some ice cream asked Santa where his sleigh was parked as he couldn’t see it outside.

Santa simply told him that his reindeer and sleigh was parked up at the airport. That’s why he was able to ride on into Ripples on the back of an old fire truck with the help of Plains-Paradise Rural Fires Chief James Russell.

Santa did have some conditions for his visitors to ensure they really had every chance to be extra excited on Christmas morning.

He asked each boy and girl (little and big) to make sure they keep being good for their parents and to ensure they get a good night of sleep on Christmas Eve ahead of his impending arrival.

During one of the slow times, this reporter also took the opportunity to ask Santa for a gift. Asking for a team roping horse, that can also breakaway rope and have breeding back to Peptoboomsal and Ambassador. Needless to say Santa said it was the most specific present he had been asked for.

Though one little girl did ask for a rainbow pony as well so it would seem there are a few cowgirls at heart in Plains.

Now that he has gone, he said he’s headed back to the North Pole with the elves to finish off some work and get his sleigh and reindeer in for a tune-up at the local mechanics shop.

Big kids and little kids all seemed to enjoy a wonderful day at the local ice creamery while either grabbing a hug or asking Santa for those special gifts for this years Christmas celebrations under a trimmed tree.