Thursday, March 13, 2025

Mineral County Library celebrates the arrival of many new books

by Kathleen Woodford Mineral Independent
| February 1, 2017 4:00 AM


Library Director Guna Chaberek (center) helps display a cake celebrating a donation from the Pilcrow Foundation to supplement children’s math and science books. (Photo courtesy of Mineral Community Library).

The Mineral County Library had a celebration on Saturday complete with a cake and storytime for the kids. They were celebrating a Children’s Book Project grant award received from the Pilcrow Foundation. Hal Berenson and Laura Ackerman donated 24 math and science books as part of the project.

“In these hard budgetary times, it’s fantastic to have so many new children’s books donated, 63 in all,” said Library Director, Guna Chaberek in a previous statement.

With grant funds, they bought 38 books, and an additional title was provided by Sylvia Liu. Friends of the Mineral County Library also donated $200 to the project. The Pilcrow Foundation works with public libraries in rural communities and said, “literacy is the greatest gift we can give to our children; the public library is where we can start.”

Storytime for tots are held regularly at the library on Thursdays at 11 a.m. in Superior.