Thursday, March 06, 2025

Rehwalt 'Ray' Eric Jorgenson, 95

| February 8, 2017 4:00 AM

Rehwalt ‘Ray’ Eric Jorgenson passed away Jan. 28, 2017, in the Seattle area. Ray was born Feb. 7, 1921, in Portland, Oregon, to Melissa Rehwalt Jorgenson and Eric Jorgenson.

Ray grew up on the farm his father homesteaded in 1910. He attended Camas Prairie grade school, graduating in 1934. The Camas Prairie High School closed in 1934. Ray went to Hot Springs High School, and was a freshman the first year Hot Springs High School was open. He gradated in 1938. Ray continued his education at the University of Montana and graduated with honors and a degree in Business Administration in 1942.

Shortly thereafter, Ray entered the Merchant Marines. He attended a radio school at Gallups Island in Boston Harbor. He graduated with his FCC license in March 1943. After this he served as a radio officer aboard freighters and tankers during the war. Ports of call in the Pacific included Ketchikan, Juneau, Dutch Harbor and Bethel in Alaska. South Pacific ports of call included Funafuti, Tarawa, Kwajalein, Hollandia, New Guinea, Lingayen Gulf to the Philippines, Ulitaha and Okinawa.

Ray continued to sail after the war, traveling many parts of the world, and enjoyed life at sea very much. He received his discharge May 30, 1946, at Galveston, Texas, and this marked the end of his seafaring career.

Returning home after the war, Ray bought the family farm. On June 27, 1947, he married Ruth Mary Swisher. Four children were born to this marriage — John Lee in 1948, Peggy Eileen in 1949, Roger Eric in 1955 and Glenn Alan in 1956.

In 1958 Ray went to work for the USDA, and served as the Sanders County Executive Director for the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service (ASCS). In 1981 at the age of 60, Ray retired from this job. Ray always felt it was a tribute to Sanders County farmers that there was not a single default of any price support or other loans during this period of almost 23 years.

Ray and Ruth celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary in June 1997. Ruth passed away in November 2006 and Ray continued to live on the family farm, often visiting children and grandchildren until he moved to the Seattle area in 2014.

Ray’s major interest was his marriage and family. Other interests were agriculture and history. He was also a lifelong chess player. He earned numerous trophies in chess tournaments over the years. He was a long-time Grange member, getting his 70-year pin in 2008. Ray joined the Camas Prairie Grange in 1938 and later was a member of the Nyah Grange. His family helped him celebrate his 70-year reunion at the University of Montana, where he was the oldest attendee.

He was preceded in death by his mother, Melissa Rehwalt Jorgenson, in 1934; by his stepmother, Mary Elizabeth Jorgenson, in 1969; his father, Eric Jorgenson, in 1981; his sister, Dorthea Lucille Jorgenson, in 2005; and John, his oldest son, in 2011. Also preceding Ray were an adopted brother, Guy Jorgenson; three stepbrothers, Robert, Donald and Richard Bauer; one grandson; and one great-grandson.

He is survived by his daughter-in-law, Carla Jorgenson, wife of deceased son, John Jorgenson, from Camas Prairie; daughter, Peggy Jorgenson Cooper, from Seattle, Washington; son, Roger Jorgenson, and his wife Anita, from Topeka, Kansas; and son, Glenn Jorgenson, and his wife Jennie, from Ronan, Montana. He is also survived by numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

A memorial will be held at the Camas Prairie Gym on May 27, 2017, time to be determined.

Donations gratefully accepted for the “Camas Prairie Neighbors” fund, 251 Camas Creek Road, Plains MT, 59859.