Saturday, February 22, 2025

Sanders County Justice Court

by From the bench of Judge Donald M. Strine
| February 8, 2017 4:00 AM

Brandy Tania Crowe, 42, Criminal Contempt, Dismissed by Prosecution.

David Wayne Clifton, 33, Assault, Plead Guilty, Paid court costs of $135.

Michael Lee Roy White SR, 52, Driving a Motor Vehicle While Privilege To Do So Is Suspended or Revoked, Fined $250, 2 Days in jail and credited 2 days, Paid court costs of $35, 2) Operating Without Liability Insurance in Efect-3rd or Subsequent Offense, Fined $500, Paid court costs of $35, 3) Operate a Vehicle which has not been Properly registered, Fined $50, Paid court costs of $35, 4) Following Too Closely-Reasonable and Prudent, Fined $50, Paid court costs of $85.

Jennifer Sue Kaump, 45, Fail to Drive To Right of Roadway Except when Passing, Dismissed by Prosecution.

Dylan Antonio Samuel Ross, 26, Criminal Mischief Pecuniary Loss Less Than $1,500, Fined $50, Restitution $40.

Justin Wayne Ryan, 37, Seatbelt Violation, $20.

Anne C. Hooper, 65, Basic Rule-Reasonable and Prudent-1st Offense, Deferred Imposition of Sentence, Fined $85, Paid court costs of $50.

William Amos Noel, 54, Partner or Family Member Assault, Causing Bodily Injury to Partner or Family Member-2nd Offense, Fined $75. Paid court costs of $135, Jail 3 days with credit for 3 days, Defendant shall be credited for time in Sanders County Jail 9/29/2016 to 10/06/2016.

Tibb Dalton Carr, 17, Fail to Secure Load, Fined $50, Paid court costs of $35.

Dustin Allen Rogers, 24, Speeding- Exceed Restricted/Special Zone Speed Established By Department, 65 in a 55 mph zone, Fined $20, Paid court costs of $35.

Revonna Marie Fenstermaker, 23, Speeding- Exceed Restricted/Special Zone Speed Established By Department, 55 in a 45 mph zone, Fined $20, Paid court costs of $35.

Casey Warren Folda, 35, Speeding- Exceed Restricted/Special Zone Speed Established By Department, 65 in a 45 mph zone, Fined $50, Paid court costs of $35.

Todd M. Schatz, 53, Speeding- Exceed Restricted/Special Zone Speed Established By Department, 65 in a 55 mph, Fined $20, Paid court costs of $35, 2) Seatbelt Violation, Fined $20.

Wyatt Shane Carr, 45, Operating with Expired Registration-Failure to Register, Fined $50, Paid court costs of $35.

Korey Ross White, 29, Obstructing a Peace Officer or Other Public Servant, Dismissed by Prosecution, 2) Resisting Arrest, Dimissed by Prosecution, 3) Assault on A Peace Officer/Judicial Officer-Bodily Injury, Dismissed by Prosecution, 4) Escape by Use of Threat or Weapon, Dismissed by Prosecution.

Tyler Gene Jarvis, 25, Speeding- Exceed Restricted/Special Zone Speed Established By Department, 48 in a 35 mph xone, Fined $30, Paid court costs of $35.

Justus Michael Massey, 32, Criminal Contempt, Not Guilty Plea, Transferred to Another Court, 2) Obstructing A Peace Officer or Other Public Servant, Not Guilty Plea, Transferred to Another Court, 3) Resisting Arrest, Not Guilty Plea, Transferred to Another Court, 4) Assault on A Peace Officer/Judicial Officer-Bodily Injury, Not Guilty Plea, Transferred to Another Court, 5) Criminal Endangerment, Not Guilty Plea, Transferred to Another Court.