Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Plains schools seek new football, volleyball coaches

by Douglas Wilks Clark Fork Valley
| January 25, 2017 4:00 AM

The regular meeting of the Plains School Board was held at 7 p.m. on Jan 16 in the library of Plains High School.

The last meeting minutes were read and approved, all board members approved bills and warrants. Reports were given on the events held in December; Winter Formal had 60 to 70 students attending, the Brain Bash was a successful fun event and more Chromebooks were purchased for Plains schools using funds from the McGowan’s Foundation. There weren’t many students failing and having to retake a class. The numbers of students failing wasn’t given during the meeting.

The teacher resignation on the agenda was tabled until the time the teacher has formally submitted the letter of resignation to the school board. The high school football coach Juan Lulack has resigned his position. Sandy Revier has resigned as the junior high school volleyball coach. There was no discussion regarding the search to fill those coaching positions.

A new water bottle refilling station was announced as being initiated and paid for by the student body. The board members commented that the student body “really came forward” to make the purchase happen. Plains school staff installed the water bottle refilling station during the Thanksgiving break.

It was announced that the Montana Repertory Theatre was in its 50th year and Plains has been the first stop on their national tour. The play is Neil Simon’s “Barefoot in the Park” and will be held at Plains High School on Jan. 23 at 7 p.m. in the gymnasium.

Two Special Needs Student Aides applied to assist students. The school board unanimously voted to hire the two individuals; Kelly Fister and Kenny Gray. There was discussion concerning how those positions would be funded this year and beyond. Board members stated that the funding is there for the positions this year and that next year the funding may have to come from Special Education (SPED) grants.

The Office of Public Instruction (OPI) had requested changes be made in the Plains school Nutrition program. The change was in the wording related to how meals are reimbursed. The wording was changed from “endure” to “ensure the reimbursement of school meals.” Once the change is made, it is believed that Plains will be in 100 percent compliance with OPI.

A committee was formed to review the Plains schools policy regarding the Extra-Curricular Code for Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drugs. Board member Polly Icenoggle, Kevin Meredith and coach Mike Cole, will be on the committee to conduct the review. Another coach may be added to the committee in the near future. The policy review and any revisions may not happen until the 2017-2018 academic year.

The school board members closed the remainder of the meeting and adjourned to the Family and Consumer Science (formerly known as Home Economics) classroom to conduct a performance review of Superintendent Thomas Chisholm.