Sunday, February 23, 2025

Mother feels Ryan verdict unjust

| March 22, 2017 4:00 AM

Just a few thoughts about the unjust verdict given in Oregon. After the long train ride home and trying to wrap my head around what took place, the only conclusion I came to was there is no justice left in the nation that I loved so dearly all my life.

That, when you take an oath in a courtroom to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth, it truly means nothing to a judge who disallows the truth to be given. Prosecutors twist and bury the truth. Judges disallow witnesses to even get to the stand and, in all, defy what it means to be given a fair trial.

When I looked up the depredation in the dictionary, it said “a laying of waste, ravages.” Another dictionary said “to pillage, rob, lay waste or prey upon.”

The charge that my son, as well as Duane, is charged with is Depredation of Federal Property. They dug a trench on an old road that was no longer in service and right next to an existing parking lot. Why? Because they feared for their life and the lives of those still there.

Lavoy Finnigun has been murdered. Ryan Bundy had been shot. There was an intense buildup of militarized presence all around them. Helicopters and military-style drones flew above them. Arrests were taking place and they knew what had happened at Waco and Ruby Ridge could happen again.

Does this fit the definition of depredation? A trench where dirt was moved in an area that had already been disturbed, as was evidenced by the buried cable that was found in the ditch. Was laying waste to hundreds of acres that the refuge includes?

A man can go to prison for 10 years over something like this is beyond what my mind can even take in. Where has America gone? What is next?

If you think for even one minute you are safe and free, you better think again. Just try saying no to any one of our thousands of regulations, rules, statutes, ect. and you will find out all too soon how enslaved we are.

The battle must start in our mind, for it is there that freedom must start and without that we will leave nothing but chains behind for our children.

— Roxsanna Ryan