Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Sanders County Sheriff's log

by For week of April 23-29
| May 3, 2017 4:00 AM

April 23

- Caller believes he has been poisoned by his girlfriend.

- Four 13-week-old hound puppies reported missing.

- Report of an intoxicated male who has fallen a couple of times, needing assistance to stand up.

- Caller reports two vehicles are revving engines in driveway and blocking access.

April 24

- Caller reports a female has tried running her over with her car.

- Person reports she returned to a residence where she and her “soon-to-be ex-husband” lived and found the locks had been changed.

- Caller reports someone smashed one of his cameras.

- A sign was reportedly stolen.

April 25

- Dogs reportedly at large on Second Ave. S.

- Caller reports an unfriendly dog in her yard is attacking her two smaller dogs.

- Resident reports someone was “jiggling his door knob” earlier in the day.

- Report of an injured deer in the roadway.

- Caller states someone “threw something” at his back wall.

April 26

- An iPad was reportedly taken.

- Suspicious activity reported on Big Horn Drive. Traffic was coming in and out every 10 minutes and lingering.

- A winch was reportedly stolen off a truck.

- Reckless driving reported on Montana 28.

April 27

- Caller reports a vehicle damaged a fence and 50 head of cattle were freed.

- Caller reports a male is harassing her every time she walks on a country road.

- A vehicle rear-ended a school bus on Main St.

- Caller reports a Mustang convertible has been parked on the side of the road for a couple days.

- A Playstation and four games were reportedly stolen by a caller’s ex-boyfriend.

- An officer was requested to settle a dispute over dog ownership.

- Caller reports a political sign has been stolen from him for the second time.

April 28

- Caller reports that her neighbor has threatened her husband and flipped him off.

- A woman reports she heard her mailbox slam shut, then was told by a female near the mailbox that she and her husband were searching for a lost purse.

- A Subaru has reportedly been all over the road since Missoula.

- Caller reports a vehicle pulled into their driveway, then left.

April 29

- An employee could not understand a customer at her store and asked him to repeat himself. In response, the man reportedly called her dirty names and told her she was stupid.

- Caller reports seeing a bear.