Jam Cracker project gets green light to proceed
Forest Supervisor Tim Garcia signed the final Decision Notice for the Jam Cracker project in the Lolo National Forest on May 22, 2017.
The draft Decision Notice was subject to the objection process and one objection was received which included several points of contention, said Superior District Ranger Carole Johnson.
The Jam Cracker project area is approximately 83,000 acres and located east of the Clark Fork River between Superior and South Fork Nemote Creek. It is an integrated project that includes vegetation and road management activities to improve vegetation resilience; reduce forest fuels; improve forage conditions for elk; provide wood products to contribute to local and regional economies and maintain a sustainable transportation system.
The deputy regional forester, who served as the reviewing officer, determined that the Forest Service had adequately addressed the objection points in the Jam Cracker Environmental Assessment and concluded that the project was in full compliance with all applicable laws and Forest Plan.
No further review from any Forest Service or USDA official of the reviewing officer’s response to the objection is available and implementation may begin immediately.