Saturday, February 22, 2025

Superior band students get to be 'rock stars' during Bobcat game

by Kathleen Woodford Mineral Independent
| November 8, 2017 4:00 AM

Last weekend high school band students from all over the state gathered to experience the thrill of playing before a stadium full of football fans. They joined up with the Montana State University marching band and played with them during the Bobcat versus Idaho State game on October 28.

Superior band teacher, Amber Winter, along with Allan and Kari Labbe took six band students on the trip to Bozeman. They were Jonna Warnken, Trey Green, Penny Foley, Jacob Lapinski, Thomas Anderson, and Kaleb Chapman.

It was a long day, starting at 5 a.m. and the troop returned at 10 p.m., “it was worth it,” said Winter. “It’s just so much fun.”

They rehearsed with the band for three hours in the morning and then did the Bobcat Prowl. This is a parade where the marching band and cheerleaders lead the football team on to the field while fans stand on the sides and cheer on the team.

“It’s such a rush to lead the team onto the field,” said Winter. “They were rock stars.”

At half-time the students join the marching band on the field however they don’t participate in the actual formation part of the performance. Instead, they are assigned a spot along with the MSU band members and play along after the formations are completed.

This is the fourth year Superior students have participated in the event. Two years ago they went with Alberton band members but there were too many conflicts for them to join the group this year. The cost to participate has increased. It started at $5 per student and now its $15. With that they receive a T-shirt, lunch and a ticket into the game. Videos of their performance has also been posted onto the Superior High School Facebook page.