Courthouse statue proposal on hold
Discussions continued on Friday regarding the installation of a new steel statue on the Mineral County Courthouse lawn. A group of Superior citizens presented the idea to the county commissioners a few weeks ago.
The proposed location is on the corner near the River and Fourth street intersection.
However, it would require the removal of the tree that is on that corner. Commissioners heard from several residents who did not want to see the tree removed. County Planner Tim Read also sent a letter which was read during the meeting, recommending postponing the decision. He stated that the intersection is one of the more congested streets in Superior and a traffic impact study should be done. With the possibility of adding a right-hand turn on Fourth Street to relieve some of the congestion. This would require widening the street and would impact that corner.
Regarding the tree itself, the county extension office reported that it is past its life expectancy and will need to be removed eventually whether it involves the statue or not. Nothing will be done regarding the project until spring depending on how quickly the artist can get the project done.
Dennis Althoff has been commissioned for the project which will be approximately 16 feet tall and incorporate elements of what Mineral County represents. The project will be fully funded through donations.
During the meeting other possible locations on the courthouse lawn were suggested but no decisions was made. There are also discussions with members from the Mineral County Historical Society to possibly sell pavers to put around the statue as part of the fundraising efforts.
The issue has been tabled until the Dec. 1 commissioners meeting at 10 a.m.