Friday, March 14, 2025

Letters (poetry) to the editor

| November 21, 2017 12:45 PM

Poems submitted by Alberton resident Dick Darne.

The Sheriff

In Mineral relief soon,

We have Sheriff Boone;

But if stuck in a quagmire,

Maybe we need Sheriff Longmire.

Mother Nature

Some see Mother Nature as a fairy prancing,

Skipping and hopping while daintily dancing,

Through the woods, meadows and streams,

Tapping her wand as the flowers grow all in our dreams;

But it’s just not true, she’s no dainty thing,

When we offend her, trouble she will bring;

If she wanted she could for the Griz play front four,

And kick asses as fast as they come thru the door;

Poison, pollute and trash with impunity,

But from Old Mother Nature there’s no immunity;

So ignore the old bag until our very death knell,

And when we’re all gone she’ll heal up the place quite well.