Thursday, March 06, 2025

Officers give Trick or Treat safety tips

by Erin Jusseaume Clark Fork Valley
| October 25, 2017 8:17 PM

Local law enforcement want to ensure that all kids that will be heading out to trick or treat come home safe and sound.

The Valley Press caught up with Thompson Falls Police Chief Chris Nichols to grab the best safety tips for kids and parents ahead of next week’s All Hallow’s Eve fun.

Tips for parents include:

Pre-load the Sheriff’s Department phone number into your kids cellphone in case of an emergency: 406.827.3584.

Talk to your kids before they go out and explain in what situation requires them to 9-1-1 if they are in danger, and what situations require them to call the Sheriff’s line if they are in trouble and need immediate help.

Ensure your kids (even high schoolers) are traveling/Trick or Treating in groups of three or more. Know who they are with, and grab those kids’ cell phone numbers in case of emergency.

Talk to your kids and explain to them what constitutes suspicious activity and what to look out for that should they come across they should call for help, or get to somewhere safely and quickly to report to law enforcement.

- Grab a cheap flashing light or silver duct tape to attach to costumes that can highlight your child as they trick or treat so drivers are able to clearly identify your child in the dark along the road sides.

- Encourage your kids to use road safety and to take their time crossing roads and look both ways before crossing.

- Ask your child not to take any homemade candies.

- When your child gets home, check the bag for any dangerous or suspicious-looking candy.

- Only let your kids trick or treat with a responsible person or know each person/kid they will be out with.

- Know where your kids are going, know their route.

Tips for Kids and Parents:

- Only go to houses with porch lights lit.

- Do not go into houses of people you or your parents don’t know very well, even if you are invited.

- Do not take handmade candies.

- Be road safe, and practice good safe practices when crossing the road at dark. Look both ways and wait for traffic to clear.

- Walk on sidewalks not in the middle of the road.

- Don’t run or rush across the road, even if you are excited, stay calm and look carefully so you don’t trip or fall in a shadow.

- If something looks suspicious when you are out, call your parents or Sheriffs Office.

- Ask mom or dad to put emergency numbers in your phone in case you need to call for help.

- Stay with your group, don’t go off with anyone.

- If you see someone following you, call 911.

- Make sure you have your cellphone and it is on you and easily to grab if you need to use it.

- Take a flash light with you.

Tips for everyone

- If you are headed out to a party don’t drink and drive, find a sober driver.

- Be cautious on the road as many kids will be out and excited to trick or treat. Be vigilant in watching the sides of the roads as we want all kids to get home safely.

- Property owners move your pumpkins closer into your yard. You don’t want to fall victim to any minor Halloween pranks that may happen.

- Move your cars into your driveway if you can. Again it could fall victim to a halloween prank. Also it will create a clear view for drivers and trick or treaters to see any traffic and not be hidden.

Chief Nichols said he is excited for this years Halloween as his kids are just as excited to get out and trick or treat in their costumes.

Though he also asks everyone to be safe as all of Sanders County will see an abundance of kids out everywhere.

He also mentioned that with Halloween parties going on, history has proven that many DUI tickets have been issued in high volumes areas where kids are going house to house.

“Remember, be safe, don’t drink and drive. Either walk or get yourself a sober driver,” cautioned Chief Nichols.

“Above all, be safe and have fun. Simple safety tips can make sure everyone has fun and enjoys Halloween,” he added.