Thursday, March 13, 2025

Valley Press kicks off 'Reporters Contest' for high school students

by Erin Jusseaume Clark Fork Valley
| October 25, 2017 8:19 PM

The Clark Fork Valley Press is kicking off a ‘Reporters Contest’ for high school students in Sanders County.

The contest was created for the sole purpose of inspiring students to explore their thoughts and give them a voice in the county they live in.

Knowing students see the world slightly differently than most adults, allowing them a platform to have their say is something that is rarely seen.

All high schools around the county, Noxon, Thompson Falls, Plains and Hot Springs, were sent the contest rules and information to entice their students in the publications and yearbook classes to have a go and submit a story.

Students have three topics to choose from with a set word count to adhere to as well.

They can choose to write about what makes their school special, they can choose to highlight a staff member at their school or even choose to tell the community why they think Sanders County is a special place in the world to live.

Aiming to get a finalist from each school; the top overall winner will receive a cash prize to go toward their college fund, their story on the front page of the Valley Press and a one-year subscription to their household.

Three runners up will also receive a cash prize to go toward their college funds as well as a calendar donated for the competition.

Understanding the importance of standing out in a student portfolio, kicking off a great contest such as this The Clark Fork Valley Press only hopes to inspire and invigorate students to chase their dreams and reach for the stars.