Monday, March 03, 2025

Ghosts haunt Alberton School for Halloween

by Kathleen Woodford Mineral Independent
| October 31, 2017 3:13 PM


Visitors ran through a maze of webs and tunnels in order to escape the ghosts and goblins. (Photo by Jessica Maurer)


Sara Knapp casts an eerie pose during the haunted house on Saturday night in Alberton. (Photo by Jessica Maurer)

Alberton Student Council members hosted their annual haunted house on Saturday night in the elementary school. Classrooms were made into scary settings where dolls and teddy bears talked. Ghosts and goblins haunted the stairs and a scary clown along with his ghoulish friend chased visitors through the halls and into the cafeteria which was turned into a cobwebbed tunnel of screaming delight.

Council member Isaac Warren helped to mastermind the affair along with classmates and returning school alum Zak Kurien, Alec Manahan, and Cody Callison along with about 15 volunteers who helped create the haunted scenes and dressed up for the evening.

The group made about $345 and over the past few years they donated funds to the school to help buy new water fountains. Warren wasn’t sure what they were going to do with the money this year. Student council also makes an annual trip over to Fort Harrison in Helena with some of the money they earn.

“The haunted house was better this year because we had a fog machine, strobe lights and a better sound system,” said Warren. There was only one major mishap when the glass in a classroom door got broken after it was slammed shut. Perhaps the real school ghosts were trying to cast their own haunted warnings.