Friday, March 14, 2025

Montana Aussie Adventures with Erin-Jay

by Erin Jusseaume Clark Fork Valley
| September 14, 2017 7:34 PM

Well, I have survived my first Sanders County Fair and what a fair it was.

Having never attended an All-American County Fair before, it was something to see that’s for sure.

It was an amazing thing to see such a small, quite sleepy town come to life at the start of the week. Then all of a sudden the it was alive with people, food and of course some great vendors.

A massive congratulations to the fair committee and board, the grounds looked magnificent when all set up.

From the 4-H kids running around prepping their animals and exhibits to the number of rodeo trailers coming in, it was a sight to see that I haven’t seen before.

One of the greatest joys was for me to experience the rodeo here in this county. Being that I also write for the elite of rodeo athletes, and know a fair share of them. It was an experience that I think not many can really say they have experienced.

I have been to big rodeos and have seen the Wrangler National Finals from both a fan’s view and media view; Sanders County you have an AMAZING secret here that I can not wait to share with the world.

First of all I have to say that having visited with Lori Franzen of Powder River Rodeo was a delight to say the least.

The reason being that, I already realize why people love this area, but to hear from her and the rest of the Powder River crew, including announcer Bob Tallman, there is a whole new love for this little piece of the world.

Sometimes it isn’t the things you see and hear everyday during your first seasons in a new home town, it is rather the ones that tell you why they continue to come back year after year.

Thirty-two years old and still looking forward, I have to say there is more than a tip of the hat to the stock contractors. Those that attended the Thursday night bull ride and barrels, man, did you get a show!

I would rival that performance right up there with one of the best I have been to, that even includes a PBR. It was that good!

For the rest of the rodeo nights, well … not much else I can say as it was one of the best small town rodeos I have ever seen and could easily rival most of the bigger ones. A diamond in the rough, that is for certain.

Though we have had to deal with the fires through the fair, there is no doubt that when the sun shown through the faces that were seen would just about knock a person over with a feather. From the kids walking out of the carnival with the smiling faces to the laughter that came out of the bingo tables. Sanders County you have an amazing event and it is one that really gets the adrenaline pumping, in the best way, of course.

As mentioned, of course the fires have played havoc with our county this last week.

I have had my fair share of bush fires back home, but because of the different landscapes I have to say the forest fires we have been experiencing here has been one that has opened my eyes in a whole new way.

From the overwhelming support that people within this county contribute, I can honestly say I have never seen this level of charity and thoughtfulness anywhere else.

With this I want to say thank you for continuing to surprise me in every direction. Hard-working and caring people make a house, a home.

This last week I can say that I have felt at home. This is because of the residents, the people and what they contribute, thinking more of their neighbors than themselves.

I can not wait to see what other surprises you present me, what other secrets that make your corner of the world a hidden gem that continues to shine no matter what it has been presented.

Until next week Sanders County ... — HooRoo