Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Superior Ranger District to conduct prescribed burns

| April 11, 2018 4:00 AM

The Superior Ranger District is planning on conducting several prescribed burns across the county this spring. Potential burn units are located in Cedar Creek, Thompson Creek, Mill Creek, Patrick Creek and Rock Creek. The exact timing of the burns will be contingent upon weather, fuel conditions, soil moisture and other environmental factors.

One of the main purposes of these prescribed burns is to alter wildfire behavior to facilitate protection of private property in the wildland urban interface. Specific objectives of these burns are to: (1) reduce slash created from logging activities, (2) reduce surface and ladder fuels in order to minimize the potential for high intensity wildfires, and (3) top-kill shrubs and flush grasses to improve big game winter range. Once an area receives a prescribed burn, smoke may linger in the area for a few days following.

Starting Tuesday, May 1, burn permits will be required for all outdoor burning in Mineral County. Burn permits are available from the Superior Ranger District by calling 822-4233/822-3933 or by stopping by the District office at 209 West Riverside in Superior. No permit is required for debris burning in the month of April.

Before you burn:

1. Call the Air Shed Hotline:


or visit www.smokemu.org

2. Check the weather forecast:

National Weather Service

Weather Information: 329-4840

Recorded Weather: 721-3939

Visit: www.wrh.noaa.gov

3. Observe the current weather. Determine wind direction and speed. (Don’t burn on windy days)

4. Have hand tools and water available.

5. Notify your neighbors of your plans.

6. Try not to burn alone, get help.

Contact the Superior Ranger District with any questions regarding prescribed burning. 406-822-4233