Sunday, February 23, 2025

Mineral County court report

| December 19, 2018 4:00 AM

Dec. 11, Danielle Elain Alger, speeding

Dec. 8, Jeffrey Ryan Andrews, speeding

Dec. 7, Mihail A. Babak, no car insurance

Dec. 13, Barbaara Gay Barrett, driving with suspended license, and basic rule reasonable and prudent

Dec. 11, Robert Alan Boisclaire, no seatbelt

Dec. 14, Marie Alice Boyce, seatbelt violation

Dec. 13, Triston Elliot Bradley, basic rule reasonable and prudent

Dec. 10, Granger Scott Buckin, speeding

Dec. 7, Hyeon Mi Cho, careless driving

Dec. 11, Emma Pierce Flynn, speeding

Dec. 11, Daren Lee Foley, speeding

Dec. 14, Joy Noelle Fryer, speeding

Dec. 11, Taylor Wade Hart, speeding

Dec. 13, Harshul Monga, careless driving

Dec. 10, Muhidin Nur Muhidin, false log

Dec. 10, Timothy Richards Palmer, speeding

Dec. 7, Landon Lee Pence, fail to follow conditions of special permit

Dec. 11, David Thomas Rockett, speeding

Dec. 11, Minty Ann Ruthford, fail to have child property restrained

Dec. 11, Maksim R. Vibly, false log

Dec. 7, Kathryn White Yoder, speeding


Dec. 13, Samantha Fay Easter, expired registration

Dec. 10, Dylan Clark Moore, speeding

Dec. 11, Khalil Tunis Mzid, careless driving

Dec. 13, Andrew Morrison Swank, DUI