Plains High School students, from left, Dakota Butcher, Cree Lulack, Wyatt Karr and others shoot pop guns loaded with a cork during the Brain Bash. The events were held to celebrate the holiday break. (Joe Sova/Clark Fork Valley Press)
Plains sophomore Hunter Rich, left, and business teacher Kati Mitchell received the photographers award for Most Festive Wardrobe Award for the Brain Bash last Friday. (Joe Sova/Clark Fork Valley Press)
Levi Blood and Noah Collett have fun during the Pick A Game event at the Brain Bash at Plains High School on Friday, Dec. 21. The goal was to transfer a T-shirt from one student to the other. (Joe Sova/Clark Fork Valley Press)
Plains sophomore Hunter Rich, left, and business teacher Kati Mitchell received the photographer’s award for Most Festive Wardrobe Award for the Brain Bash last Friday. (Joe Sova/Clark Fork Valley Press)
Levi Blood and Noah Collett have fun during the Pick A Game event at the Brain Bash at Plains High School on Friday, Dec. 21. The goal was to transfer a T-shirt from one student to the other. (Joe Sova/Clark Fork Valley Press)