Monday, March 10, 2025

Snowmobiler injured on Lookout Pass Dec. 23

by Kathleen Woodford Mineral Independent
| January 3, 2018 4:00 AM

Emergency crews responded to an injured snowmobiler at Lookout Pass on Dec. 23. The West End Volunteer Fire Department along with the Superior Ambulance Crew responded to the scene at about 3 p.m. where the snowmobiler had an injured knee and was hauled off the mountain.

The injured man was about six miles off the main road near the FAA beacon and Tyler Cheesman, with the ambulance crew, rode on the med bed as he was hauled off the mountain, according to West End volunteer Art Drobny.

There was a lot of snow at the pass and according to Lookout Ski area, they received about four inches of new snow that day and had 48 inches at the top and 25 inches at the base. The man was taken to the Mineral Community Hospital and his name has not been released.

Crew members who responded included Art Drobny, Donna Richter, Mike Richter, Dave Jackson, Debbie Jackson and Keith Woody from the West End and Anita Parkinson, Tyler Cheesman and Steve Ahern from the Superior ambulance crew.