Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Sanders County Fair Board discusses year ahead

by Erin Jusseaume Clark Fork Valley
| January 24, 2018 4:00 AM

The Sanders County Fair Board met last week to kick off the 2018 season.

Board members were excited to tackle some issues from last year and look to tackle this years issues in hopes of a more productive 2018.

Sanders County Commissioner Tony Cox was also present at the meeting to get updated on how the grounds and upcoming fair are looking financially, and the potential popularity for visitors looking to come to the region.

Though there weren’t many definitive decisions made during the meeting, the board along with Fair Manager Chris McGuigan were all looking forward to the year ahead.

MSU Extension officer Juli Thurston was also at the meeting and advised the board that 4-H numbers for steers will be up from previous years.

She also gave a brief update of what 4-H club Southside Sparks had in mind to help with upkeep of the swine/sheep barn to achieve this coming year as a club.

The pavilion that fell to fire during the 2017 fair was also discussed. Though work is still progressing on the building, McGuigan estimates that they may finish work on the structure to re-open sometime near late February.

Though he stressed that at this stage he could not give a definite date, but would keep the board updated as he attains information.

One motion that was passed during the meeting was that of the rental fees for the grounds and its amenities offered.

Arena rentals, camping and hiring of the grounds were all reviewed by the board to which some rental fees would be increased. Increases such as stall rentals have moved from $10 per day $15 per day and $150 per month to $200 per month.

Horse arena hire for non 4-H usage daily moves from $2 per day (individual) to $5 per day (individual). Yearly individual moves from $25 annually to $35 annually. Family costs move from $50 annually to $65 annually. 4-H prices have also moved up in pricing slightly.

New rental fees for the 2018 season will go into effect on February 1. To obtain a full copy of all cost adjustments please contact the Sanders County Fair Grounds Office.