Monday, February 24, 2025

Montana Aussie Adventures with Erin-Jay

by Erin Jusseaume Clark Fork Valley
| June 6, 2018 12:55 PM

Sunshine and spring rains are making for a great continuation of the warmer weather.

There is something about spring storms that reminds me of the wet season back home and I love how they look in this Big Sky country.

The lightning shows are beyond spectacular and I have seen many spring storms from different parts of the world and no matter where they are there is a similar yet totally different look and feel to them.

I loved watching the clouds roll in, in the middle of Australia it’s amazing to watch. With big clear skies like you see here in Montana, they were just unreal to watch as the storm rolled in.

However when I was working in the great Northern Territory as a jillaroo (female ranch hand) it was crazy to be camping out in a tent in the middle of nowhere and have the sky light up around you. There were very little places to get out of the storm to keep safe.

Every now and then there was the pulling down of tents quickly to get under the cover of the camp cook van as 12 people darted in the rain to ensure we didn’t get struck by lightning.

Luckily for us all we learned quickly where it was safest and falling asleep to the downpour of rain was something I will truly always cherish knowing they were storms that were a one of kind situation.

Back on the east coast in the tropics of North Queensland they were similar however the warm rain falling both cooled off the heat that had choked you during the day, and cooled off just enough for you to stop sweating.

It always gets everyone on the front porch for at least 10 minutes enjoying a cold beer and watching the strikes light up the sky around us showcasing the silhouettes of the tree lines.

In the desert of Arizona again it resembled that of the good old Northern Territory where I would find the combination of Australia and the infamous Arizona desert meet.

Thought the rain wasn’t as warm as it was back home, watching it roll in toward me when I was in Yava County up near Prescott was breathe taking.

I guess its as you say you can take the girl out of Australia but can’t take the Australia out of the girl. The magic of spring and summer storms are so unique yet so much the same no matter where you are or how many times you have seen it. They always captivate me in one way or another.

Our latest storm that rolled through on Sunday night was amazing to listen to. Though I was in bed for my usual early morning start, I was awoken by the first open downpour and that storm wind that let me know it had arrived.

I just always find something so comforting in the sounds of the storm not just the show it puts on.

The sounds of rain on a tin roof will always rock me to sleep so to speak. But waking up to the smell of rain fallen on the earth is just a straight true blue blessing to have to start the day with.

It’s funny, it’s always those little things that causes a memory or several to come and flood your mind of yester-year so to speak.

One thing I have truly enjoyed so far this spring is of course the rain at night and the gorgeous sunshine during the day. I really think Montana knows how to balance the two so you aren’t feeling that hot humidity during the day stopping you from enjoyments of the great outdoors.

Speaking of great days, how brilliant was Plains Day celebrations! I can say that honestly it was so awesome to see the little town come alive.

I saw smiling faces no matter which way I turned and the flag football that kicked off the weekends celebrations at Plains High School was great to watch.

The fun players had on the field and on the sideline was something truly great to experience. I couldn’t have asked for a better way to enjoy the start of some great summer nights to come.

What a way to kick off the start of June than to have so many activities and a lazy summer day to just enjoy with family and friends.

So congratulations Plains on a great showcase to all just how cool this little town is.

With all that said, I look forward to heading out to Hot Springs next weekend to experience my first Homesteaders, and I won’t lie I am just a little excited from what everyone has told me about it.

So here’s to another great week ahead, until next time Sanders County…HooRoo