Thursday, March 06, 2025

Re-route work to begin in June for Fish Creek Road

by Mineral Independent
| June 6, 2018 3:42 PM

Construction of a permanent re-route on a section of Fish Creek Road on the Ninemile Ranger District that experiences frequent flooding and erosion is expected to begin the first week in June.

This particular section of road (near Mile Post 14) is directly adjacent to Fish Creek and is currently closed due to erosion of the road bed. The work would include construction of approximately one-half mile of new road, streambank stabilization, as well as establishing a floodplain between the road and the stream to minimize future risk of road washouts. The road re-route is anticipated to take approximately three weeks, during which the roadway would remain closed.

“There is a need to provide a long-term remedy by slightly realigning the roadway, raising the elevation of the road surface above the 100-year floodplain elevation, and creating a healthy, vegetated and stable floodplain between the road and the stream,” said Ninemile District Ranger Erin Phelps.

The project is possible due to the effective partnership between the Forest Service, the Montana Department of Natural Resource Conservation, Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks, and Trout Unlimited. The project will include restoration of the existing section of road adjacent to the creek. Streambank improvements and planting to improve aquatic habitat in the area will likely ocurr this summer and may extend into the fall.