Sunday, March 02, 2025

Hot Springs students ready for National Leadership Conference

by Erin Jusseaume Clark Fork Valley
| March 28, 2018 4:00 AM

Hot Springs Chapter of the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America joined together with fellow student leaders, members and advisers from across the state at the Billings Convention Center on March 18 to 20 participating in the annual State Leadership Conference.

The conference provided Hot Springs students opportunities to come together for exciting workshops while listening to motivational speakers, expanding leadership skills, challenging other members in competitive events and exploring college and career pathways.

This year’s conference theme was Destination Inspiration, which was aimed at inspiring attendees to remember “It Only Takes One,” to make a positive impact within their families, schools, FCCLA and communities.

“The conference is a culmination of hard work that starts at the beginning of the school year, and it provided our student members an opportunity to attend leadership training, showcase their skills via competitive events, listen to inspiring speakers and more,” Megan Vincent, Montana FCCLA State Adviser and FCS Specialist at the Montana Office of Public Instruction.

“A highlight was celebrating their accomplishments and successes during the awards session. Montana FCCLA is proud of all our members have done to impact their communities and themselves to make a positive difference in today’s society,” added Vincent.

Thirteen students from Hot Springs participated in one of 31 Family and Consumer Sciences related competitive events, including Students Taking Action with Recognition Events and SKILL Demonstration Events.

Those events support foundational, leadership, and workplace skills in areas such as advocacy, teaching, community service, culinary arts and fashion design. Competing encompasses students from school districts of varied sizes within Montana.

Hot Springs students Mikayla Mueller, Haylee Hoff and Kalen Lien qualified to attend the FCCLA National Leadership Conference in Atlanta this coming June where they will compete against students across the nation.


Haylee Hoff: Career Investigation

Kalen Lien: Recycle Redesign


Mikayla Mueller: Life Event Planning

Shaelynn Miller: Fashion Sketch

Jenny Scrivner and Laci Lien: Focus on Children

Isabel Morton: Food Innovations

Jordyn Bell and Josh Scrivner: Illustrated Talk

Angelica Lopez: Life Event Planning

Laneya Miller: Recycle Redesign


Coby Guenzler: Illustrated Talk

Ariah Erny: Focus on Children