Saturday, February 22, 2025

Roads open for firewood cutting

by Mineral Independent
| May 16, 2018 4:00 AM

The Superior Ranger District will be opening some areas to firewood cutting that are presently behind closed gates. These roads have not been bladed recently and may contain rocks or other hazards. The date of opening for roads listed below will be May 14th, except for the Borax area roads which will be approximately June 1st depending on snow. These areas are as follows:

1. Borax Road #9127, #18563, #18564 (across from Lookout Pass)

2. West Fork Big Creek Road #3822

3. Middle Rock #16062 (new road above Cabin City)

4. North Fork Ltl Joe #16165 (on the ridge between Twomile and Little Joe)

5. Chimney Rock #7803. Access is from West Trout Road #7798. There is no public access from Cedar Creek Road.

All gates on roads listed above will be closed and locked on September 1st, 2018, due to the start of bow season.

Firewood gatherers are asked to avoid harvesting wildlife trees such as those trees with visible nests, woodpecker holes, etc. Keep roads and ditches clear of brush and slash to assist in road maintenance.

Permits are required to gather firewood. They can be purchased at the Superior Ranger District or any Forest Service Office. Personal use firewood permits are $20 per permit with a minimum of four cords and a maximum of 12 cords for $60, which is the maximum amount of firewood any one individual can buy per year.

For further information, contact the Superior Ranger District at 822-4233.