Monday, March 10, 2025

Veterans get quilts - just in time for the colder weather

by Kathleen Woodford Mineral Independent
| November 21, 2018 4:00 AM

Mineral County veterans gathered for a meal, camaraderie and a quilt show last Saturday. The Cabin Fever Quilters hosted the event to honor local veterans and gave each one a quilt made by a guild member.

The project to give veterans a quilt started in 2008, and the group has given approximately 175 quilts away to date.

“Our quilt guild is very proud of our veterans and would like to give all of them a ‘thank you’ quilt,” said Rose Gotcher.

Along a bench at the St. Regis Community Center were 25 brightly-colored quilts the group had to choose from.

“Cold weather is coming and I’m happy to get one. These are so pretty, this is really nice,” said Jay Smith, who serve in the Army in 1958-59 during the Korean War.

Tim Bibler, who served in the Army in 1968-70 in Vietnam, said he was “tickled pink” to receive one of the hand-made quilts.

In all, 18 veterans attended the luncheon and many shared the same sentiment, including Dan Woodson, who served in the Marine Corps from 1964 to 1968; Brian Reynolds with the Air Force; Mike Alexander with the Marine Corps from 1962-66; Ron Forest with the Navy, 1966-68; Nathan Williams, Army; Jessica Lewis, also Army; Gary Strate and Ernie Ornelas, Navy; and Joe Steele, Marine Corps.

Giving veterans their quilts is an annual event; however, they can add their name to the list to receive one at any time during the year.