Plains High School sophomore Justine Martin paints the face of eighth grader Ryan Collette in orange and black school colors at the football field before the Horsemen Homecoming game. (Joe Sova/Clark Fork Valley Press)
Lenka Harris stretches out more than an arms length of tickets she bought for the Plains Booster Club 50-50 raffle before the Horsemen football game last Friday night. Lenka said he has never won, but is glad to support the booster club and Plains students. (Joe Sova/Clark Fork Valley Press)
Plains Homecoming queen Haley Josephson gets a hug from Sally Braun after being crowned during halftime of the football game Friday night. Homecoming king Fernado Martin is in the background. (Joe Sova/Clark Fork Valley Press)
Plains High School's Homecoming royalty was recognized during halftime of the Plains-Mission football game last Friday. Fernando Martin and Haley Josephson were crowned king and queen. Attendants pictured, from left, are senior, Matt McCracken and Josephson; junior, Martin and Kelsey Standeford; sophomore, Peter Carey and Mariah Smith; and freshman, Alex Ellis and Aubrey Tulloch. (Joe Sova/Clark Fork Valley Press)
Lenka Harris stretches out more than an arm’s length of tickets she bought for the Plains Booster Club 50-50 raffle before the Horsemen football game last Friday night. Lenka said he has “never won,” but is glad to support the booster club and Plains students. (Joe Sova/Clark Fork Valley Press)
Plains Homecoming queen Haley Josephson gets a hug from Sally Braun after being crowned during halftime of the football game Friday night. Homecoming king Fernado Martin is in the background. (Joe Sova/Clark Fork Valley Press)
Plains High School's Homecoming royalty was recognized during halftime of the Plains-Mission football game last Friday. Fernando Martin and Haley Josephson were crowned king and queen. Attendants pictured, from left, are senior, Matt McCracken and Josephson; junior, Martin and Kelsey Standeford; sophomore, Peter Carey and Mariah Smith; and freshman, Alex Ellis and Aubrey Tulloch. (Joe Sova/Clark Fork Valley Press)