Monday, February 24, 2025

Letters to the editor

| September 6, 2018 12:22 PM

Bad Actors Law

The Bad Actors Law is a Montana mining law that was passed because there was a pattern of irresponsible behavior by some Montana mining company chief officers. This pattern often resulted in major pollution and bankruptcy filings, while the officers moved on to the next mine leaving the costs and impacts on taxpayers.

Hecla chose Philips Baker as their CEO knowing he had been the CFO of Pegasus Mining, which implicates him in the cleanup disaster now costing Montana taxpayers millions for perpetuity.

The communities near The Pegasus mines welcomed the promise of safe jobs and a safe environment. Pegasus asked to be trusted, that they would be good neighbors. Phillips Baker and his fellow Pegasus chief officers made a conscious decision to betray that trust. The Bad Actors Law is intended to stop people like Baker from being repeat offenders by holding their future employers accountable.

Is it an unfair law that requires mines to protect us from bad decisions made by bad actors who skip off while we pay the price? If Helca is sincere, they will stop fighting the law and do the responsible thing.

—Jim Nash, Noxon

Support hospital

Attention Citizens of Mineral County:

I am writing today to remind everyone of the importance of Mineral Community Hospital.

Please open your hearts and pocketbooks and donate to your hospital. They perform all kinds of services and also emergency services for the I-90 corridor.

I lived many years in rural Alaska and trust me you do not want to be without a hospital.

P.S. Remember the old saying ... Use it or lose it.

—Dave Ryan, Superior