Thursday, March 06, 2025

Montana Aussie Adventures with Erin-Jay

by Erin Jusseaume Clark Fork Valley
| September 12, 2018 1:30 PM

Wow — September is nearly half way done and I can’t believe fair has come and gone, Halloween is up next then Thanksgiving and of course Christmas will be here before we know it.

The last offical few weeks of summer have been so great to truly round out a great summer I had here in Sanders County. Though I still stand firm in my saying that summer was way too short.

However, my favourite season is just around the corner and I am finding that the weather is truly sitting in that optimum temperature range where its sunny and warm during the day, but cools off just enough to have you start looking for that sweater.

As the Queenslander I am, I love the warm weather, but the other part of me is itching to see that fall weather comes through, and of course, that snow I love so much that seems to be just within arm’s reach.

So what else is there to do other than scout out some great fall recipes and wine soup recipes to try out. Winter food comforts I firmly believe begin with “Pumpkin Spice” season, which officially kicks off in another week.

Even more exciting we are back with high school sports and the first few games I have been able to attend have seen so many locals get out and support the kids as they start the season.

Not only are the kids putting in their all into each game, the sounds of cheers coming from the grandstands are just as great — bringing that atmosphere to another level.

As football season begins here it is winding down back home, and when I say football back home I’m talking rugby league.

The almighty Jonathan Thurston played halfback, mostly for the North Queensland Cowboys. Now there are so many fantastic athletes in this world, but this Queenslander who not only gave back to the sport both on and off the field, he took a real interest in giving back to indigenous kids and inspiring them to chase their dreams — even if it wasn’t on the football field.

As most of you know I love sports, I love all there is about sports no matter which game you play. The one thing that I know is so important for young athletes to look for in a sports star is how they play the game off the field.

There have been so many athletes in multiple sports that I have looked up to, and it’s from their sportsmanship that they embrace 24/7. That to me is what truly makes you a star, is how you handle the good, the bad and the awesome — whether you are on the field or in season.

So for all the young athletes out there in Sanders County, find an athlete outside of your sport to look toward and learn from. Sometimes what can make you the best in your sport is pulling inspiration from an athlete in another. If you don’t know where to start, check out Jonathan Thurston and see what he was able to do for not only young Australian footy players, but athletes around the world.

Greatness can only come from embracing all aspects of being an athlete, no matter what game you play.

So I will leave it there for another week, thanks for a great start to September, and don’t forget to say G’day if you see me out and about, until next time…HooRoo