Thursday, March 06, 2025

O Sole Trio performs April 13 in Paradise

by Joe Sova Clark Fork Valley
| April 3, 2019 2:56 PM

Tickets are available now to attend the performance of “O Sole Trio,” the final event of Sanders County Arts Council’s 2018-19 Performing Arts Season.

“O Sole Trio” will perform Saturday, April 13 at 7:30 p.m. in the auditorium at the Paradise Center in Paradise.

“Their vocoals are great and the pianist is amazing,” said Karen Thorson, Sanders County Arts Council president.

The trio takes audiences on a whirlwind 70-year musical tour with spell-binding music and vocals, and they incorporate witty humor and storytelling into each performance.

This group is a musical force, selling out major venues such as Carnegie Hall and Lincoln Center of the Performing Arts, and more than 200 other venues all over the U.S., Canada and the United Kingdom.

Tickets to the O Sole Trio performance are $15 for adults in advance, and $18 at the door. The student ticket price is $5.

Advance tickets can be purchased at First Security Bank in Plains and Thompson Falls; Garden Gift & Floral in Plains; and D&D Liquor in Thompson Falls. Tickets are also available onliine at

For more information, call Thorson at 406-826-0500, or Rudi Boukal at 406-827-4359.