Saturday, March 01, 2025


by JOHN DOWD Valley Press
| December 18, 2019 1:00 AM

Garden, Gift and Floral and Plains Liquor is under new direction.

The venerable store has been been in the community, under various ownerships, since the late 1950s.

The last person to own it, Patty Coe, had it for nearly 11 years. Recently she put the business on the market and a Plains couple, John and Kim Revier, took up the mantle.

After a deal with one buyer fell through, Coe contacted some friends, the Reviers. They decided, after some thought, it would be an interesting venture.

Kim has worked at McGowan’s for almost 13 years and her husband owns a gravel business, from which he is about to retire. The couple decided that taking over the Garden and Gift store would be a good way for them to keep working while also doing something less physically straining into their future years.

“We thought it would be just something different and kind of fun. Actually, a lot of fun,” said Kim, talking about their perspective plans for the future of the business.

The Reviers opened the store for the first time under their name Dec. 10. The shop still sells alcohol, flowers, gifts and the same things it always has; however the couple is thinking of changing some things up.

Kim explained how there are many stores that sell the same kinds of items, gifts and decorations, “a lot of local places sell these kinds of things,” said kim.

The couple is exploring new options to bring to town that other stores are not doing but they plan to wait until the end of the holiday season. Kim explained that many locals know what they want to buy and where to get it.

She talked about how she and her husband do not wish to surprise the town with a completely different direction during this time of year. The couple explained that they wish to keep many of the same things that it has always carried; the plan is just to add new things to the mix.

They are not sure what direction they will take; however, they are excited to find out.

The Reviers are Plains locals who have lived in the area most of their lives. In order with keeping the same atmosphere the store will keep the same hours under the new ownership, however the couple will be adding Mondays into their opening schedule for the month of December.
