Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Mineral County Justice Court

| January 23, 2019 4:00 AM

Jan. 14, Natosha Mitchelle Campbell, speeding and seatbelt violation

Jan. 14, Cordova Nelson G. Cordova, following too close reasonable and prudent

Jan. 15, Crystal Marie Curtis, driving with suspended license, operating without liability insurance, failure to give notice of an accident and careless driving

Jan. 14, Ericka Lee Frentz, basic rule reasonable and prudent

Jan. 14, Christopher Neil Hoeppner, operating without special permit

Jan. 14, Kent Pearson Johns, speeding

Jan. 11, Dalton James Miller, basic rule reasonable and prudent

Jan. 17, Fredick Mwanje, failure to purchase trip permit

Jan. 14, Richard Bruce 2nd Neal, operating without special permit

Jan. 17, Andrew Joseph Peak, operating without special permit

Jan. 14, Denis Orlando Rodrique Hernandez, driving without license

Jan. 14, Daren Sheldon Ross, failure to purchase trip permit

Jan. 14, Leysi Pliego Sanchez, driving without valid license and no insurance

Jan. 17, Robert G. Shelhorn, exceed gross weight allowed on axles

Jan. 14, Michael Augusta Stringfellow, speeding

Jan. 14, Parvinder Singh Takhar, no log book

Jan. 14, Davine Wayman Tulls, speeding

Jan. 14, Timothy Jordan Wetch, careless driving


Jan. 17, Kadence B. Hennick, underage drinking and speeding

Jan. 17, Nathaniel Jerome Pearce, assault

Jan. 15, Joshua Charles Sienkiewich, violation in a construction zone

Jan. 11, Robert Charles Tarloski, resisting arrest and obstructing a peace officer