Thursday, March 13, 2025

Legals July 17, 2019

| July 17, 2019 4:50 AM

Sanders Resource Advisory Committee Seeking Members The Sanders Resource Advisory Committee (RAC) is soliciting for membership. Members will recommend how Title II funds received by the County will be spent on projects that will benefit adjacent National Forest System lands. Members will serve a 4-year term. The Sanders RAC was created under Title II of the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act of 2000 (Public Law 106-393). Application packets may be picked up at Cabinet Ranger District Office at 2693 Highway 200, west of Trout Creek, MT, or the Plains/Thompson Falls Ranger District office at 408 Clayton Street in Plains, MT. Contact the Designated Federal Official, John Gubel at 406-827-0714 or Plains/Thompson Falls District Ranger, Erin Carey at 406-826-4308 if you have any questions or are interested in serving on the RAC. Published in the Clark Fork Valley Press on July 17, 2019. MNAXLP