Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Community Notes

| March 14, 2019 9:13 PM

The Catholic Church in Superior will host Lenten lunches on Tuesdays until Holy Week (April 14-20). The first lunch was March 12 and then held on Tuesdays until April 9. Lunch is noon to 1 p.m. The Methodist, Assembly of God, LDS, Catholic and Community Churches will be responsible for each lunch. Donations will be accepted with proceeds supporting a local charity. Contact Nancy Wilson at 406-822-4548 for details.

St. Patrick’s Day in DeBorgia

There will be a special St. Patrick’s Day dinner at the Historic DeBorgia Schoolhouse

Take Exit 18 off I-90, go north on the Thompson-DeBorgia Road. Dinner will be Sunday, March 17 from 2 to 6 p.m.

An authentic corned beef and cabbage dinner with dessert. Special adult and children prices. There will also be a raffle held for special gift items!

Local students participate in Kick Butts Day

Students across Mineral County will participate in the nationwide event known as “Kick Butts Day” on March 21. On this day of advocacy teachers, youth leaders and health advocates organize events to raise awareness on the problem of all forms of tobacco in their community and encourage leaders and decision makers to protect kids from tobacco products that are aggressively marketed to young people.

This year for Kick Butts Day, Oklahoma natives Ronnie Trentham and Greg Bilby will be visiting students in Mineral, Lake and Sanders counties to spread the message of making good choices.

Trentham, a six-time oral, head and neck cancer survivor, will share his story. Trentham’s presentation centers on the consequences of his own addiction to smokeless “chew” tobacco. He will be accompanied by Cherokee Nation storyteller Greg Bilby; who offers American Indian stories that focus on making good choices and eliminating use of all commercial tobacco products.

“Despite false claims from tobacco companies; there is no such thing as a safe tobacco product. All tobacco products including chew, cigarettes, vaping devices and cigars can result in long-term addiction and adverse health effects,” states Barb Jasper, Mineral County Public Health Nurse.

Current statistics from the Montana Youth Risk Behavior Survey indicate that although smoking among teens has dropped to a low of 12.1 percent, use of e-cigarette devices has soared to 22.5 percent. Chewing tobacco use has remained steady at around 14 percent for Montana teenage males, which is higher than the national average of 9 percent.

The presentations are sponsored by contributions from the Montana Tobacco Use Prevention Program, Mineral County DUI Task Force and the Super 8 of St. Regis. Mineral County school presentations will be held on March 21 at the following times: St. Regis- 8:30- 9:50; a.m.; Superior-10:40 a.m.-noon; and Alberton-1:40-3 p.m.

For additional information on their presentations, contact Jasper at the Mineral County Health Department at 822-3564.

Lookout Ski Pass spring schedule

As of march 10, Lookout Ski Pass is reporting 122 inches at the summit and 107 inches as the base. They are open six days a week - closed on Tuesdays in March. Season Pass Holders from any other mtn. will get a half-price lift ticket on midweek days through the end of season. Specials on group lessons.

Mar. 13 is a Ski Free Food Drive bring 4 or more cans of food and get a free ticket for that day.

April 14 is a Hawaiian Luan – Cardboard Box Derby & Coco Nut Bowling. Build your cardboard box derby contraption capable of carrying a person or more out of ONLY cardboard and duct tape, and paint it or color it any way you want. Prizes awarded on most original ... Coco Nut Bowling for the kids.

Play at Superior High School March 15 and 16

The Superior High School Drama Department will present “The Mad Tea Party” on Friday and Saturday, March 15 and 16. Dinner will be at 6 p.m. with the show at 7 p.m. Tickets available at the school. Call 406-822-3600.

Senator Tester looking for a State Veterans Liaison

Bruce Knutson who has worked as the State vets liaison for ten years is leaving. Sen. Jon Tester is seeking a State Veterans’ Affairs Liaison. Candidates should have experience advocating on behalf of veterans and their families to federal, state and local agencies; providing oversight of those same agencies; and conducting meaningful outreach to veterans and their families, veterans service organizations and other stakeholders.

Responsibilities include liaising with the senator’s Washington, D.C., personal office staff and Veterans’ Affairs Committee staffs; assisting in executing the senator’s policy agenda in the state; staffing the senator in meetings and at events; providing policy recommendations; assisting with casework and serving as a resource to other state staff helping veterans and their families; drafting letters; and communicating with stakeholders and constituents.

Interested applicants should send resumes to

Library pie contest

The Mineral County Public Library in Superior will hold its annual Pie Baking Contest on March 16 from 12:30 to 2 pm. There will be prizes for different age categories plus a grand prize winner. There will also be a silent pie auction and pie and beverage for a small fee. There are age groups from kindergarten through adult with a variety of pie categories. Bring pies to the library between 11 and 11:30 a.m. with judging from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.. Details can be found online at:

Learn to Dance

There will be free dance lessons on March 29 in the Alberton School Cafeteria Learn classic, party dances, basic hip-hop and more with Mica Clarkson (Alberton School Principal). Held from 5 to 8 p.m.

Homesteading Classes

Rocky Mountain Boy is offering free Homesteading classes at the St. Regis Community Center. On March 23 is Home-Brewing: The Science of Beer, Wine and Mead, from noon to 2 p.m. On March 30 is Bee Keeping: Healthy Hives, Honey and Pollination, from noon to 2 p.m.

Senior Centers

Superior Senior Center serves free dinners to residents who are 90 years old and older. Dinner is every Wednesday starting at 4:30 p.m.

St. Regis Senior Center serves meals every Thursday at 5:30 p.m. and on the last Monday of the month at 5:30 p.m. March 14, Corned Beef and Cabbage; March 21, Lemon Roast Herbed Chicken; March 25, Spaghetti and Meatballs; and March 28, Shephard’s Pie.

The Alberton Senior Center serves lunches each Tuesday and Thursday at noon.