Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Mineral County Justice Court

| March 14, 2019 9:14 PM

Mar. 7, Alejandro Edson Arce, reckless driving

Mar. 1, Irving Christopher Boetiger, careless driving

Mar. 7, John Paul Bonner, basic rule reasonable and prudent

Mar. 7, Angel Diana Brown, speeding

Mar. 5, Justine Marie Christensen, careless driving

Mar. 4, Reginald Glenn Clayborn, no registration and no insurance

Mar. 4, Sergio Manual Diaz-Flores, exceeding 34,000-pound tandem axle weight limit

Mar. 4, Joby Donet Dufresne, seatbelt violation

Mar. 4, Scott Joda Gilbert, failure to use retractable axle when weight exceeds legal max for fixed axles

Mar. 4, Sohorquez Eduardo Andres Granja, exceeding 34,000-pound tandem axle

Mar. 4, Gary Eugene Hardy, failure to purchase trip permit

Mar. 4, Kyle Nicholas Kazmierski, basic rule reasonable and prudent

Mar. 4, Jake Storm Lahr, exceeding 34,000-pound tandem axle weight limit

Mar. 4, Curry Malcolm, false log

Mar. 1, Gerald Richard Newbury, seatbelt violation

Mar. 7, Wayne H. Norris, failure to purchase trip permit

Mar. 7, Mark John Sliz, no driver shall use within 4 hours of going on duty, be under influence nor possess alcohol

Mar. 2, Christel Rae Terrell, speeding

Mar. 1, Celina Beatriz Torres, driving with suspended license


Mar. 7, David Lee Webber, aggravated driving under the influence

Mar. 4, Damon Anthony Dufresne, possessing intoxicating substance under 21

Mar. 7, Logan Ray Gardner, driving with suspended license, no insurance and DUI